Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks, yes, it is that time of year again. This is the time of year, when we become more conscious of the plight of those around us. It is not that the people were not there before, because they were, it is just that during this season, we become more intentional about giving; universally. We become more conscientious about how we have been blessed, and how fortunate we really are; inspite of what we do not have. Although, I do not begrudge this altruistic outpour by so many, including myself, I wonder during this season do ever stop to say – Thanks to the Father!...the bible does says this Psalm 136:1-3 (read the entire chapter and see) Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His love is eternal. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love is eternal. Give thanks to the Lord of lords. His love is eternal (HCSB). Do we ever think about giving thanks to the Father for the confusing day, because without it, you nor I would learn to appreciate melodic embrace brought about on the balance blessed days …Do we stop to thank the Father for those growing years, seasons, where we are stretch beyond belief and we tell others, more than on one occasion, I about to lose it and forget I Christian. Instead, asking God what is it, whatever you are doing, don’t do it without me; I desire to be a part of your magnificent plan…Or maybe taking the time to thank him for inspiring each of us to change, when we would have not chosen to do so without the prompting, and remain in the rut and complain. God chose for us the better way that challenged and blessed us; hallelujah every time!…Giving thanks is not just for the good things we enjoy, it for all things we endure; God uses all things for our good. However, when we are so focus and consumed with the negative, we miss the message, the blessing, and the gift provided. For every problems contains the solutions in it, and it begins with us being thankful; we can focus on the problem or the purpose, our choice. The latter enriches you, and the former is self-destructive. Giving thanks that is not limited to season or month but part of a daily occurrences in our life. See, God knows what is happening to you, He wants us to know, if you and I know he able, and would not let anything happen in your life for naught. The way we can show him, tell, is giving thanks to him; always.

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