Tuesday, September 7, 2010

He never Fails!!

Job was an upright man. Satan sought to destroy him by putting forth things in his path; he knew what was precious to Job. So, know what is precious to you, and do not get caught in the traps set to destroy you!! Holding onto your faith, you will be able to see the one God sends to encourage you - Elihu and Job…I did not say, he did not questioned God, or struggle with why he had to go through this madness; Job sinned not. So, even if it is the worst day ever, week, or 5- life crisis in a less than a year. It seems the enemy has pull your number as the person to attack, do not give up hope. Only in our weakness do we really see, and seek God’s face. We are able to be an example to others through our strength during these. I am not saying it will be easy, only that it can be done, when we understand, we are purposed in the plan of God. In those moments, we are able to show others the God in us that is more than a lesson, a sermon, a book, or an answer to a question; we live it. The God, we so often speak of with our words lives in us. This is an opportunity for us to show God in our behaviors, actions, and interactions. Believe it or not, more than our words, our actions, behavior tell others, what we really believe. See only around 10-15% of what we communicate comes from the verbal or what we say, the rest come from what we do and our body language; so watch how you act because you never know who is looking that need the revelation or blessing...Yet,do not let discouragement pull you from the focus of God but know as Job did, God is able.

Job was discouraged, friends and family seem to support a position that he knew did not follow his faith. Rudyard Kipling but it this way – If all men count with you, but none too much… Just stand and know He, God, will not fail you, even when it seems you are being defeated, Matt. 24:13 - But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved (NASB). There is nothing in this verse or in the example shown in Job’s life that said those around you will get what is happening to you, is part of God’s order. It is for you to learn from, it for the longevity and legacy for His glory; it is never just about you or right now. We are, you are a part of a plan bigger than we see. We are blessed to be chosen, to be used as an instrument to teach the lesson, provide the blessing. When we are chosen, we are also blessed by God! So, let the rivers inside you flow from the endless source, your God, my God, our God!...He never fails!!

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