Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When we learn....

As I began to mull over the issue of bullying and suicide, I was struck by the fact many times the person feels helpless. There is no one to talk to, or will listen to you because after awhile it becomes a broken record to the person(s) listening, but it is the exercising of the demons for the person talking. We as people forget what it is like to ever feel like that, where you are talking but no one is listening because you cannot quite put everything in words. You feel alone, at least I did when it happened to me (Some say, I have great faith and confidence, but I say, I know that God is gonna do what he said, period; but it ain't easy). I was not suicidal but I was not in a good place either. The issue seems inane, small, or insignificant, but it is real and an overwhelming weight to carry. People avoid you, try to get you to be quiet about it, and you feel depress, lost, alone, confuse, and mentally spent. The pastor of the church I attend decide to preach over it because of the significance. However, it is going to take every one to get on board, and do more than the rhetorical statements – if you need me call, or if I can ever do anything, I am here. Yet, when you are needed the most, all is heard are excuses because you just don’t want to know. We all need to provide a compassionate ear, an open heart, and willing spirit to assist…

I cannot help but to think if we were more authentic with ourselves, and remove the mask 50% of this would disappear. While the rest would be manageable, I am not saying all bullying and suicide would diminish, but I am saying life would change. Too many of our young are taking their own lives because of bullying, and the inability to live their truth.

I just asked everyone to think over these questions, start to be the change, YOU desire to see…
1. When will we learn, acting from the position of impressing, rather than influence, if we desire to connect with others result in a disconnect for us?
2. When will we learn, if we desire others to be authentic with us, why don’t we become authentic with them?
3. When will we learn, to not shy away or push others away, when they see through your façade reach out to us you with love?
4. When will we learn, getting upset with others who come to the table with a hidden agenda, when we do the same thing serves no purpose, and is a distraction to progress?
5. When will we learn, tangible blessings are only the manifestations of spiritual obedience and immutable trust in an unfailing Father?
6. When will we learn, just like you can see when another is being less than authentic with you, others see that in us too and question it?
7. When will we learned, operating from the position of insecurity, fears, or selfishness, never allow us to reap the benefits or outcomes; we say, we seek?
8. When will we learn, when our behavior changes toward a person, the person changes toward us?
9. When will we learn, power and control does not have to be proven, it just is; remember Christ’s example?
10. When will we learn, Godly growth comes from a godly connection, in a godly order, and it is for our good, and fear is an awareness we are going into the unknown, not that you have to stop?

I am learning it, how about you.We choose…I do not know about you but living my truth allows me to be free. No self-imposed prison, no mental constructs binding me into insanity, or a nemesis seeking to destroy me can stop me.

We have the consent of the King to live our truth…John 8:32;36 - …and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free… "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed …ASB

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