Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is it working for you?!

Is it working for you? What am I talking about? Staying angry, is it working for you. It is so easy to stay angry and feed our soul on it each day, but this is the thing Proverbs 13:12 -Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (NIV). As Christian, our goal should be the tree of life, not the heartsick..

Being angry and staying mad at someone does not allow one longing to be fulfilled, yet it does make the heart sick. See it does not matter if the other person is at fault and will not apologize, or you are at fault no one wants to accept your apologize. You cannot get the person to apologize to you, nor get the person to accept your apology. We only control self, our expression, and we need make sure, we do what is right, not what we have the right to do. We make our heart sick with our willing consent to participate in being angry, mad, and ‘I-will-fix-them’ attitude. No one is helped with this mindset, and we are only hindered by the confusion. But more importantly folks, we leave room in our hearts to have the author of confusion, Satan, to enter into our heart. We have create a space for drama to fill it, and guess what, it does. No one is guaranteeing you a drama-free life, but like speaks to like, and where there is confusion, drama will soon follow. There is unrest, constant uneasiness, and animosity built up unnecessarily. Until, we no longer see the truth, we only see our truth allowing no room for those in our inner sanctum circle who challenge our truth. 
So, what is the solution to having our longing fulfilled, well understanding everything is process, and begin the work by forgiving first. Letting go, and letting God; tight but it is right. Follow the book, we say, live is, what it is...

 Something to remember as you move forward in this life, and decide to stay mad  – information is knowing tomato is a fruit, but knowledge is knowing it does not belong in a fruit salad…because wisdom is knowing the time and place of a godly fit of right

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