Wednesday, August 15, 2012


 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Phil. 4:11 NIV
Aging, the monster we fight against with every breath, and with all our strength. The irony is this, when we were young, we fought very hard to be older. And for most of us, during our young adults years, we worked with much effort not doing anything so that we age gracefully and beautifully. It just not about the tangible, material things, or the funds; they make it easier to bear, but it’s the intangible, invisible things that make it all worthwhile. When we decide, just as the verse states above – learn to be content whatever circumstances. Why? When you are content with you, your contentment, your smile, your light, and your peace beyond understanding becomes infectious to others. Like now, you are smiling, as I am…wink… See, I am not as old as some nor am I as young as others, but one thing I do know sure – it is what it is, but it shall become what you make it! And whether we admit it or not, we make it become what it is with our thoughts, our words, our actions, our time, and our focus. But aging is beautiful, the changing to the body, the mind, and to soul reverberate our truth of the investment we have made in our youth…wink… The is really no room for dwelling on what we do not have, the lost love you let go, the missed opportunity, or the fortune you did not make. What is meant for you, is for you as long as you are living, we just have to do the one thing that is our illusive friend – Trust Him, God, because He is – Jehovah-Jireh, The Lord will provide, Gen. 22:13-14, and Jehovah-Shammah, The Lord who is present, Eze.48:35.
And yet, I know life, living, and reality gets in the way for most of us. However, we purport, assert, and profess to believe to very irreconcilable truths written in the scriptures – Heb. 11:1 ~ Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. and Num. 23:19 ~ God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill. If we really believe these things, there would be no doubts. The problem is not with God’s word, it is with our doing the heavy lifting, the difficult work, the arduous task of submitting with our obedience, releasing the unknown to our known God, and forgiving without reservation. We were designed with intense intentions, sculpted with loving hands, and planted with irrevocable promise but as in all things; we must choose to live it.
No one is knocking making enhancements but if you are not at peace with what God made, then no amount of change will satisfy your hunger. And you send a message to the Father that you have hide in your heart - I struggle with trusting YOU. Your life, your choices but we all are aging, and that too is beautiful.
‘He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose’ – J. Elliot

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