Monday, September 3, 2012

Be still...and know I am...

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted on the earth. Psalm 46:10 KJ21
Be still and I know, I am God, what a wonder statement for us to repeat, and hold to in this life. However, the rest of the verse makes a statement as well - I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted on the earth… Now I am not sure if we really pay attention to the full verse, or the chapter. It begins with God is our refuge, and ends the chapter with God is our refuge. When I read the verse again, okay truth, it popped in my mind as I am watching the frenzy around me in the world from the election to young people going back to school. I begin to query what does this really mean? Is it really about not doing anything, or about not letting fear, distractions, traditions, ideological constructs, etc impede our ability to let what God allowed in our life, to teach us; I believe the latter things. Some of which we create with our own poor choices, bad decision making, denial, and yes, fear, and what we did not have control of,  but all were allowed by God.
We seem to forget, what God allows in our life is not meant to destroy us, or stymie us into doing nothing. Rather, I concluded what He is saying is don’t get caught up in the madness of circumstances, we too soon forget, He is who rules, and control. See He just wants us to let the discomfort of the thing, to not engulf us, but propel, prepare, and position us with what we need. Not for us to buy into, accept, or get on board with anything that makes you lie down, or put aside your belief of who He is. To not get so twisted up in, this should not happen to me, or why me. We forget, His ways are not my ways, His logic, order is not mind. If He is my prophet, priest and King, then I should trust Him, not the distractions around me; no matter what is occurring. Keep doing what you know, you are to do, even if it is an uncomfortable place for you. Know! for all things in life, there is an expiration date on it; now it might not be the TL (timeline) you desire, but it is about God, but it is for your good.
See it is a reason our Saviour states, ‘Ye, of little faith, or Why did you doubt’. We too quickly let the fervor of a thing put us in a place where, we forget, and become more focus on what we see, driven by our emotions, and not holding to what we purport to hold as true belief, our guiding compass in our life. Iyanla Vanzant when she says – call a thing, a thing – because identifying it makes it easier to deal with it.
When we focus on God, and push beyond the fear, the traditions, the comfort, and let go into His will we shall be as the water in this verse.….‘And He arose, and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, “Peace, be still.” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39 KJ21’…See Jesus wanted us know, I with you no matter the time, the place, the circumstances, or people, when you follow me; I go with you… The problem is not word, it is in us trusting and following His word …How long shall we continue, in the bowl half self-governed and half-godcentric… Your choice, choose well…

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