Monday, June 8, 2009

Spiritually Educated

We have read 1 Corinthians 13, and/or heard reference to it while attending church more times we can count. However, have you ever thought of what those scriptures are really saying? The general rule of thumb application for them, ever cross anyone’s mind as we seek to learn more about God. Well, I have because the more I find myself learning and engaging in spirited conversation about the God or the trinity, I am being confronted more and more with analytical response. It is not a bad thing because we need to understand the bible from an intellectual and analytical basis. But the emotional bias lace response, I can do without because the spiritual connection is absent or missing in action. Do not get upset, hear me out. I went back and search to the scriptures of Jesus response, or teachings, when was seeking to enlighten. He, Jesus, use parables for explanation, corrections, so that people would not feel attacked or an affronted. He met the person or group where they were, brought them around to where they needed to be. The group or individuals, those who were seeking, saw the truth in the statement and their on indiscretions. This is the similar technique used in counseling. (I too used it, and it is amazing the difference it makes). The people then choose to act upon it, ignore it, or close their eyes to the truth they saw because it was too much. Also, he, Jesus, came from a place of caring and love, something many of us fail to do. We become like the Pharisee and/or Sadducees. Spouting off the rules, the laws, or the traditions, void of any love or grace. Then we wonder why the person cannot see us pointing them to the light and life. It is difficult to see because the delivery is wrong; the touch that resonates in you when the word of truth is spoken is missing. We cannot give, what is not in us to give.
I guess that what Paul was trying to impart on the Corinthians to as he explained what love is and its strength lies in the sharing not in the persecuting, whether by words, deeds or actions - 1 Cor. 13:1-4 - If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant…(NASB). You can use these formidable ability but framed in manipulated love lens, and then it means nothing, if you do not have charity of heart. I guess this why God tells us, we must worship him in spirit and truth, and the truth shall make you free; it does. Can you imagine being able to explain, teach, enlighten, and impart knowledge but there is no love, just ‘you are wrong’ or ‘the bible says this, and you are not doing it’? Who wants that? What if God decided to be that way with us? Yes, he gives out some severe consequences, but he tempers his consequences with grace and mercy, and when we repent, seeks forgiveness with an honest heart he gives some reprieves. What is needed is an education that sends us deeper in the spiritual awareness along with our intellectual enhancement. Granting us the skills to formulate responses that invite dialogue, and self-awareness without negotiating God unchangeable righteousness. Spiritual Education that blesses all is what we all should seek with a loving heart, submissive mind to God, and trusting soul. It is hard work, if it was not then more people would be doing…

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