Friday, June 12, 2009

The unspoken answered

Isaiah 65:24 - "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. Before they call, I will answer" (NIV) How many times has the Father answered our thoughts, our needs, and our questions before we could formulate a prayer or put forth a request. We did not formulate the prayer or request because we thought it seemed too outlandish or too small. Yet, we say to ourselves and others, in conversation, encouraging messages - there is no limits what God can do. But we do not always believe He can, will, or shall do the impossible, unimaginable or unbelievable.....We asked, God why didn't you help me? He answers -I love you, and will not do anything to hurt you...Why do you doubt me? I love you enough to provide what you need at the appropriate time you needed it, and withhold what will destroy you or allowed what would develop you. We should not ask for what we are not really ready to received, or follow in the footsteps of that guides. See God listens to our heart the aches, and the joys. He sees the unvoiced need, and plants an angel to provide a voice of love that enrich. The words of life to keep us, and the look of truth that grounds us. And I find it is ironic we do not like helping others who doubt our word, or do not listen to our advice only to come back later with, I should have listen to you. Yet, we do the very thing we do not like others to do to us, we do to him...hmmmm...I wish I could give an easy answer to this faith and trust in God thing, but I cannot. Christ explained it best when He told us must come as little children. Why? Most little children have faith and trust, it will be done ...think about it...

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