Monday, June 15, 2009


Isa. 51:1 - Listen to Me, you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the LORD. Look to the rock from which you were cut, and to the quarry from which you were dug. (HSCB)

We must remember the fabric, the tapestry or the source from which we were developed or made from because it instructs our way. It is not so we can boast, or be ashamed, but for us use as an instrument to heal, to instruct, to assist, and it fertilizes our growth. See nothing we have gone through, or done is a waste; it is for our good. Whether it is generational curse(s) or generational blessings(s), we need to understand foundationally so we do not forget whose we are, and from, which we came. See remembering, knowing our history is a necessity for growth not so we can live in the vain glory of its existence, or use as an excuse to not do or continue to do, or even to think I cannot make it. Know, seeking the Lord and his righteous is important for us to understand, we are loved for us; nothing allowed in our life is without purpose or God cannot use in His intentional work. The good, the bad, the imperfect, the crazy, the depressive episode, and he never discounts or tries to destroy you as a result of it; it for your future work. All because we must worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, but this cannot be done if we try to deny our truth, or hide our truth or ignore our truth because it is too painful to endure. This results in an untrue representation of who you are, and creates an opening for negativity to breed. God already knows who you are, plans to use where you come from and what you did or did not do as part of your message to others, and the compassion of your work for him. So why listen to those you know are not loving you or speaking life into you because it is not about you anyway. The muddle mine, the hole, creates a fertile ground that allows self-destructive end, and constant need or search for love unfulfilled. You cannot get something true, when you look through lens that are distorted…Mark Twain - – ‘You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus...Too many times our eyes are out of focus because we have become enamored, captivated with our self (accomplishments, intellect, material attainment, know-it-all attitude, etc), or we have become caught up in our own negative or selfish mindset (woe-is-me, past hurts, justified unforgiveness, labels that have stuck, etc). We have not quite grasped, we can all inspire enthusiasm for God’s glory while developing our own individual gifts when we remember - our overcoming inspite of, or our consciousness of our favor, blessing others to do the same and more…Remember

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