Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It matters whose your friend

Proverbs 27:17 (KJV) - Iron sharpenth iron; so a man sharpenth the countenance of his friend. It matters whose your friend (blood relations does not make you friends) because true friends do not let their friend move in the direction of detriment or self-destructions. Even if it means, or requires risking losing the relationship because there is geniune love for you, and concern for your wellbeing. It is not the brutal honestly, but rather authentic truth when asked, or when it is needed. True friends know that you do not have to be alike to be friends if you understand the difference in outlook, or perspective helps both to grow into the best you. The clashing is not destructive, but improving one another as it comes from a place of grace. Iron sharpens iron.... It is those people in your life that do not buy into your ego, or let you get caught up in your pride. Nor are they persuaded by your prolific and awesome abilities granted by grace. They speak righteous, truth from a positive place in their hearts. It is not easy, it is not always desired, it is sometimes humbling, and it sometimes hurt but is all for your good. Yet, it allows you to live your destiny as those around you breathe life in you. Do not get me wrong, it is not always correction, but having only and craving only 'yes men/women' around you, take from you, not give you anything but a good feeling. Those who are dependent on mankind's response pulls away from God truly always. Like disciple, what God has prepared for you, He requires of you. The word in our lives and those in our lives, allows iron to sharpen our soul, hone our skills, as growth appears without declaration, heralding to the world, it is seen in your actions that you are sharpen in the faith loving approach directed by Jesus, and affirmed by God, as you are reminded by the Holy Spirit....iron sharpens iron

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