Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Tears appear as a result of a hurt or pain that comes when we go through changes of letting go, moving on, understanding when others do it, or acknowledging what has been done. This comes because the soul (spirit), the heart (emotions), the body, or the mind (psychological) has been pierced. Tears are the windows into the essence of a person, their passion, and their importance. When someone bring forth tears if it was from a free flowing water fall unhindered, or a quiet brook streaming silently from a overflowing pool. You see and feel their ache; no one has to tells you, you just know it. One sees the tears and not always want to continue with the actions, the words spoken, or the decisions made because we do not want to see the tears, or wish that they would stop. It makes most people uncomfortable to see tears, some times we stop because of what we feel, and while other times we plow ahead not wanting to succumb or seem weak, so that the point is made, we have been heard, or not knowing what to do so we keep babbling on without rhyme of reason. Tears show us many times what we are not prepare to know, or understand but the person knows. Rem John 11:35 - Jesus Wept; Knew this foreshadowing and gave validity to Ecc 1:18 -Because in much wisdom is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow.
Tears the window to the core value, and shows us the to the road less travel, the life not lived, the way and the how, and moves us to the next level if we let go and let God. Matt 27:50 -Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

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