Thursday, June 18, 2009

The words coming out of our mouth

Prov. 15: 4 - A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit. (NASB). Now this says it all for me. This verse is one powerful few words, isn’t it. Why is it the small phrases and short statements have the most powerful impact when spoken (.i.e Whatever, I love you, I hate you, yeah, if, didn’t think about it, etc). They send us in the epochal moment that could change our focus and mindset. What am I talking about here? Well, it is like this. The kind rhetoric, statement, words coming out of our mouth comes from a perverse or not so nice place creates chaotic mess. Our motivation does not match our statements. (You know we all have done it) We try to make a point, show our power, or get back others. It is also found when we say, we want to work things out or know what is wrong, when really all we desire to make the other(s) see our point, we really are not interested in their perspective, recollection, or opinion. It is just a ruse, we have brought into as a society to try get what we want without the person(s) knowing it. This process never works. The person(s) it is directed toward always respond to the hidden agenda, not the statement made, deed done, or actions demonstrated. Hence, negativity breeds negativity. You cannot see positive if you lens has no clarity. Usually our inability to move beyond it is grounded in our unwillingness to forgive honestly, to be authentic, and understand God order is disorder for us. See you cannot manipulate something pure, the truth, the right, then expect to triumph because lies never win, only find monetary victory that is hollow and feeds negativity that has no place with truth. You cannot defeat God favor, you cannot conspire and win against truth, and you cannot compromise prosperity where God has spoken life. Then wonder why change has not come, when change begins we decide ‘we will be the change, I wish to see in others because bitter people never get better; only more bitter’ Our Lord tries to explain this - Isa. 29:13 - Then the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote. (NASB). See you cannot just say anything because it is the right thing to say or do, and not mean it. It will backfire on you. This why the Lord desires and requires for us to worship him in spirit and truth. Being authentic makes a difference it inherently understand mistakes are things done not knowing the possible outcome negative outcome. Whereas bad choices know, and do anyway because like sin, is easier on the front but disastrous on the back in. Now we know why God logic is illogical to us, he knows the end…the words coming out of our moth matter…smiling

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