Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Life‏

Ordinary people, extraordinary life is simply put - living a commited life on faith. In I Cor. 1:9- But it is written eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Walking, living, having your being in and on faith because although you have not seen or heard it before, your faith tells you, it shall come to pass.
There are many people in the bible and in our life today that demonstrate this for us. I have chosen a few from both. In the old testaments we have Joshua, he started as slave and ended as a leader all because he believed, inspite of circumstance and popular opinion. then we have the new testament, paul. Paul who changed from a pursuer and destroyer of christians to a proclaimer, who heralded Jesus' legacy with the vigor and zeal unmatch or uncompromising as he walked in uncharted waters to reach the masses. All because he believed, and let his faith in God ordered his steps, and it was not always fun, pretty or without pain. Lastly, we have Oprah Winfrey (this is not about liking her or not), concieved in happenstance, and borne in circumstances that the majority would not see as fertile ground for success. However, she now has iconic status, midas touch, and unlimited influence. I am sure we all have people we know, or can name that is not in the public eye that lead extraordinary lives because of their immutable faith, inspite of circumstance and did not let what is known or understood stop them.
People who live extraordinary lives change the bench mark, and create best practices for living beyond your circumstances. They do not just sit contemplating what should be changed or improved. They understand just as faith without works is worthless, so it talking without doing changes nothing. Matt 12:34 - O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh (KJV). So, is the abundance of your faith in God, one lives an extraordinary. It is not always easy, you will not always be accepted, many will not understand, you will have to say goodbye to many, and you see life in a new light but know where God leads, He also provide for you.

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