Thursday, August 13, 2009

Becoming Legendary

Job 1:21-22 (NASB) He said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.
In these verses, we see the making of a legend named Job. Job demonstrates to us the importance of standing inspite of circumstances, situation, or evidence. We see in through Job’s refining process, the revelation of a situation outcome, for each of us depends on our response. He illustrates in these few words, the epochal moment where obedience matter. When it is difficult, he became the model, example for generations to come. Embracing the truth is painful, while arguing proves nothing and becoming legendary requires understanding with it earnestly means to walk through the fire, and see between the raindrops. To lose yourself in pulse, the beat of the unseen realm of God’s grace. Where the by-product of holiness, shows forgiveness as a given for man, and there is no more me, but Thee.
Becoming legendary is making the connection grace and pure love has both legacy and longevity proven by Christ. When we learn to harness and put away our anger, and exchange it for the compassion radiates warmth untold. See, becoming legendary is believing in your true self, the authenticity of innocent that strengthens us to walk through our midnight, or trial with the same peace as if it is a bright summer’s day. Reminding each of us life is about choices, and choices are the springboard for our joy or pain. Letting us know outer beauty camouflages the inner truth, as stretching and uncomfortableness are façades of what is really happening to us, the creation of a clear and unfettered understanding of truth. Therefore, the next time you find yourself in a precarious state of affairs, either mental, psychological, emotional, or physical…ask yourself, do I want to become legendary, implicitly or explicitly.

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