Monday, August 17, 2009

Competition:Untold Story

The untold story of competition is it is really not about the winning/losing. It is about the self discovery and recognition of our weakness so we can become better. See, we all are provided with the same information, but we each process things differently. The grading of things is a man made concept to increase his worth, not further God kingdom or the greater commission given by Christ. Once we begin to see competition in the of light self-discovery, not about the false platform of being bigger or better or besting another, we are released of the negativity that so easily abide in our lives. We will be able to forgive with a new found vigor and vitality because it creates a sense of love as we recognize iron does sharpen iron. This time we see the symbolic show of grace resting upon our psychic, refreshing arms of peace be still on our soul, and the holy smile is saught after, not shunned. See, no one really wins, even when they do, when their vision is out of focus. Choas ensues residuals effects bring the role vengence interplay as we recieved what we distributed so freely, but now it is unwant. The untold story of competition is understanding winning occurs when you discern the appropriate time of demonstrating your ability, and when to show your submission to a Great God who character engulfs our being. When you stop short of doing, even when you can for a greate good...remember our example in Jesus the Christ on the cross....hmmmm...Psalm 4:3 'Know that the LORD has st apart the godly man for Himself; the LORD hears when I call to Him.

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