Friday, April 30, 2010


Colorblindness is not the absence of color or the failure to see color. It is the ability to look beyond it. See, we too many time say we are colorblind, but when we look up, our circle of friends, acquaintances, and associates, there is an eerie sense of an monotone beat. We tend to, without thinking, choose individuals who are skin to us, to be kin to us in family we create out of love and intentional choices. In doing so, we lose out on experiences which would other wise enrich our lives, expand our perspective, and guarantee an objective lens for us to look through; unlike the looking glass of Alice in wonderland, this bring variety and unity unknown but needed..It is allows for us to no longer be the figurative hunted one, but the one who figuratively hunts for the best, so the best in self is cultivated and found. Then the strength in character is seen because it is in the content, and we are able to come face to face with what seem insurmountable, and a nameless nemesis dissipates because fear is seen as a healthy expression to the unknown, but not a stoppage to it. The best is seen in each person, and it doesn't matter what physical presentation is seen, we see the truth glistening through shining bring, and no longer illusive to us. Colorblindness reacquaints us with intellectual prowess, an in depth faith, and a masterful presence of spiritual keenness; we find peace in diversity's rainbow sensibilities. Because the best was sought, seen, and held onto for dear life...we change, we grow by choice, because we strive to live the true value of all the pieces God created in his majestic cosmic heaven creation called - human...Eph. 4:15-16 - Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work..NIV...Colorblindness is not part of who we are, if we are to live and walk the Christian exampled by Christ, it is an intricate and essential part of who we are......think about

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