Saturday, June 19, 2010


Changing. I have had one week of working out with the trainer, and I am extremely sore. I am trying to visualize my future self. I remember the changes I saw in the reality show cast members bodies. I realized it is about mind over matter because you want to stop but you have to convince yourself this is important. If you do not, it is so easy to find something else to do, then you begin think what got you here. For me, I have begun looking at things in an expansive thinking I have been challenge with as of late. Such as why I have struggled with what is before me, find the courage to trust the truth that nags my soul, and let go into God's capable hands and his words. For you see, I do not question the trainer as he has me doing things I am uncomfortable with, and feeling extremely awkward but I do it all.... I trust and obey him, then I begin to wonder why is this so hard in life with family, friend, in the work environment, God and then it dawns on me he desires my best. I am encouraged to do, and believed inspite of mistakes, failures, and questions. This all makes a difference in the final analysis for me. See losing weight is not, and has never been just about getting smaller but also seeing the bigger picture, developing new lens to see life through,and working toward one's true potential. Where you learn to move beyond fears, and keep walking inspite of insecurities.... Psalm62:8 ~ O my people, trust him all the time. Pour out your longings before him, for he can help... I am learning to make every teachable moment count because you get out of life what you expect, and what you believe it is possible for you to do...

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