Thursday, August 5, 2010

Parallel Play

The other day I was speaking to a friend who has a toddler, and he started explaining child psychology, and this thing called parallel play. Parallel play is when you see two toddler playing side-by-side and it looks like they are playing together. But the children are not playing together, but alongside each other. Simply because they are in the same room, and playing iy looks like they are playing with each other. The children are playing, and maybe with toys, but upon closer observation you can tell they are not even communicating. When I heard this, I begin to think, this reminds me of the interactions among people. We all parallel play during most verbal exchanges. We are speaking but not necessary to each other, it is usually at each other. We are hyped on our point of view, perspective, etc, we fail to listen or understand what the other person is saying, or their needs. Yet, if anyone passes by it looks like two people are engaged in a dialogue, talking to each other. But this is thing, this behavior has shaped our lives and how we work with others. Thus, it is not surprising that we can not grow, or work collaboratively; we grew up and forgot. We forget that playing together means I do not get my way, I am not always right,and it is not about just me. During playing together, we seek what is best so all can play. This has an organic natural feel to it that is not achieved any other way. Surprisingly enough, we do this less and less. We engage in parallel, rather working together. No wants actually do the right thing, like love, save, not judge and condemn. If we stop the parallel play, we could have better place of worship, but also draw because the truth found and felt by those who are seeking. This is a seamless effort that is done because it is done through an unconscious competence; we know and are convince that it is automatic. Love, forgiveness, and faith direct our path, not fear, insecurities, or judgement.... John 3:16-17

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