Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It is a choice

Isa 23:13-14 (MSG) The Master said:
"These people make a big show of saying the right thing, but their hearts aren't in it.Because they act like they're worshiping me but don't mean it,I'm going to step in and shock them awake, astonish them, stand them on their ears.The wise ones who had it all figured out will be exposed as fools.The smart people who thought they knew everything will turn out to know nothing."

Every day is choice for us. We need to learn to articulate our choices, but more importantly, focus our choices. Our choices, like our excuses, we decide where they originate; within us. The question is what well is it drawn from; the origination point foundation? For all of us at one time or another, the origination point is not from a place of peace, love and happiness or godly. But from a place of emotional instability that stunt our personal growth. Our life is what we make it, and there is no mystery in it. We create it with our choosing. Although, seeking perfection in our failing and correction in our political corrections framework. Yes, we all make bad choices and mistakes. They are not the problem, it is the failure to understand the things that come with it- consequences and forgiveness. We need to own our responsibility so we can be free, and welcome the forgiveness so grace can effectively rest on our hearts and lives. Otherwise, we create a sheer veil that we see through but cannot go through, we are separate. Joshua puts it this way, choose this day who you are going to serve, and Jesus reminds us we cannot serve two masters. See when we choose, we accept all that comes with it, and anyone or anything can become our reason for the deeds, actions. We cannot pick and choose, as we desire, what will apply to us, or for as Christians, it really all or nothing..God will have no other before him; he does not play well with others....remember in the temple when God altar is with other idols but put together, every morning they, the other idols, were found face down...Yet, we want all the promises to apply to us and our lives. It is not good for us because we would not allow others to treat us this way, then why treat God this way....We need to go back to the standard set in the Garden where Jesus set the example on choosing. We asked if the cup could be taken away, and ending it with not my will, but your will, Lord, be done! Then we shall see the latter days become greater than the former....It is all based on our choice....

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