Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We should always pray!

Luke 18: 1; 27 (NIV) Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up… Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." We should always pray and not give up because what is impossible with man is possible with God. How do we really begin to comprehend this logic that takes outcome, changes, achievement, and success out of our hands? We must understand it is not about us, but it is for us which means we need to step away from the comfort zone truth that lulls us to sleep in a self imposed madness of our own greatness, entitlement, expectations, my way, and begin truly let go. Like a child does when s/he asked mom/dad or whomever to take care of something, once we have said yes, the child does not think about, and expects it to be done, no matter what it is. We should always pray, seeking, and not tell, inform, demand, or manipulate in our speaking. Which is what many are doing because so have fail to follow these two statements - Proverbs 25:27-28 (NIV) It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own honor. Like a city whose walls are broken down, is a man who lacks self-control. We have begun to seek honor and fame, for our edification and if others are aided, then great but not our focus. Yet, these two verses remind us what we should not do, and what it looks like when we do. See back in the biblical times when the walls were broken down, there were no defense and the city could be easily overtaken.

Liken to man/woman without control, if you do not have self-control you are easily taken, engulfed by societal norms, trends, and mindset. Instead of being the peculiar people God called us to be. We should always pray because it connects us to God, and show we desire his advisement and guidance over what we can see; faith.

But how do we do this? Seeking God? Praying without ceasing? Well, I would ask, how do you go to work? How do you work on ‘looking-good’ for your sake? Stay focus to get a high school diploma? Obtain College degree(s)? Brush your teeth or wash your face in the morning? Staying monogamous? Have money to pay mortgage? Not take what is not yours, when you desire it? Not get caught up with addictions? It is all through self-control, self-discipline because you know what is at stake, and you seek it, sacrifice for it. Once you really begin to pray not boast or brag, life changes and it does not mean less difficulties or less struggles. You understand this too shall pass, and trouble really does not last always. Lenses you see life, love, hurt, pain, anger, gluttony (of any kind) changes for you. The lens you see life is not the same, and it becomes apparent as prayer is the touchstone, benchmark, acid test, or hallmark that begins the paradigm shift to seeing it is not about you or me, but God. We should always pray!

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