Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Someday is just a delay

Ecc. 3:1;15 -There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven…Whatever is, has already been, and whatever will be, already is. God repeats what has passed.(HCSB).

Is some day? In just a minute or I will do it tomorrow? Do these times ever arrive for us? For most of us, they either never come, or we move out of sync with God’s timing. The logic for this kind of thing goes hand and hand with this – if I always owe you (money that is), then you are never broke. This statement stands there in the darkness plagued of confusion as we let it steal away the light, the right that should be done but we allow it not to be. We find ourselves moving toward the attractiveness of the lie, the confusion, the disorder and the excuse more enticing than the truth that is not so invitingly pretty. So we opt for the short-term, temporary or hurried right now, rather than wait for the right the time for the beautiful future. It is amazingly ironic when the truth of our deliverance lies in the what seem to be difficult, dangerous, complicated or complex that covers the diamond in the rough, we opt for the sublimeness of disobedience. Then by default we create a heart that will not forgive, eyes that will not see, and a soul that is closed to the pure touch. Even though, we all know there is a time, place, reason, and what God speak, is. This should encourage us to say yes to His will; inspite of what is before us to undertake. Because in uncertain time, He cracks rocks to bring an infinite spring of refreshing water, make much out of little to feed thousands, and speaks to the turbulent weather and all are at peace. So, some day is a just a delay because God timing is flawlessly perfect; we just have to choose to go, and trust He shall provide, regardless of what it looks like…eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, nor has it entered into the hearts of man what God has in store for…He just did not say it would easy…smiling… just that He would do the impossible…

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