Monday, November 9, 2009

Strength in our faithfulness

Great is our faithfulness. When you are faithful to the father deliverance is received and accepted. When you get delivered, all those connected to you are touched, changed, and receives a portion of deliverance because of your faithfulness. The key is to stay planted, plugged into the source that allows you to strength, growth, sturdiness, and grounding. When we are planted by the cooling, reassuring, and reliable source that sustains life like water, God’s grace, we remain. We shall bear fruit that blesses. We shall not wither away, and always prosper. Yet, we will still have to endure the metaphorical rain, the symbolic storms, metaphorical coolness, and the figurative heated sun that provides the transformative tools to keep us unmoved. For all is needed for our good and bestows us understanding of the season we are in without the distressing…Psalm 1:3 - He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither And in whatever he does, he prospers (NASB). The question we must ask ourselves is - do we desire to prosper in our season, or do we wither away because of our fear.

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